Invitation to Jesus

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelations 3:20




Today’s News is reporting so many different issues: Political discord, natural disasters, wars, and potential wars due to spying and nuclear posturing. Humanity is constantly trying to remedy these with medical help, therapy and or other distractions. But this is not the answer.

According to the Bible in Romans it is because God is against all unrighteousness of men who will not admit to or allow God’s truth to be spoken. Mankind knows of God for he has made himself plain to them since the beginning of the world, but mankind does not honor God’s way nor appreciate his good works for them. In other words, man has gone opposite of God’s ways and gone according to their own evil desires that are against GOD himself.

Per God’s Word the payback for evil is death. We are not talking death in the grave in which everyone is heading towards, but an even worse death. The second death of being separated from your Maker and going where sin and death go, which is Hell.

Even now there is Hope! The Holy Bible states in John 3:16 that God so loved this world that he gave his only Son, JESUS. Anyone who believes in him will not perish but have the gift of Everlasting Life! In other words, JESUS, by dying on the cross, took our sins on himself and died the debt of death for all mankind. So, by his death our debt to GOD ETERNAL has been paid!

JESUS is now knocking on the doors of men and women’s hearts. He desires that we open our heart’s doors to him and allow him to come into our lives to wipe away our past sins and give us a new life and new hope! We also have the responsibility to turn away from our past’s sins that were against God and take on a new life by receiving his gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Bible states in Romans chapter 10 verse 9: “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” This is a proclamation that you know and accept JESUS as your All in All, your Father and Savior, your Lord! And you believe that his life has cleansed you of all your past wrongs and past sins.

The next verse states: “ For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” GOD your Creator hears your heart for he is a GOD of the Heart. When you truly turn away from doing what you used to and begin walking in the knowledge of his Son JESUS, you are saved from the second death and Hell.

We, at The Full Gospel Sons Church of God, invite you to accept JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR! Pray in the solitude of your heart directly to Jesus something to this order:

“Dear JESUS, Son of the Living GOD, my ways have not been yours, I have done wrong and am separated from you due to my life’s sins. Please, forgive me and cleanse me by your blood. For I do believe that you died, was buried, resurrected, and ascended back to your Father just as the Bible declares. And I believe that you have paid my debt of sin. I accept you now by Faith that you have cleansed me and claimed me as your own child and will from now on trust and obey your Holy Spirit in my Life. In JESUS Name I pray… Amen”

If you have prayed this prayer then we want to welcome you into the Family of God. The other part of Romans said to Proclaim JESUS is LORD. Feel free to reach out to us and let us know of your newfound Savior JESUS CHRIST.

We welcome you to the BODY OF CHRIST!