Statement Of Belief

We here at the Full Gospel Sons Church of God, Inc. Founder: Jesus Christ and Pastor JoVah, hold to the teachings and sound doctrine of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We believe the entire Holy Bible. We believe in Jesus Life, His Death and His Resurrection.

We look forward to His coming again (the second coming of Christ). We believe that we must be born-again according to our Lord's own words (John chapter 3) and in water baptism in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38).

We believe in the Five Fold Ministry of Christ as God gave Pastor JoVah to carry for Him. He made her to be a Apostle Elect, doing the work of an Evangelist, a Teacher in Christ; being taught by the great Rabbi Himself, JESUS CHRIST, a prophet for Christ and a true shepherd in Christ that always lead us to the Good Shepherd, JESUS CHRIST!